Beth Steinhorn
Beth Steinhorn has worked with mission-driven organisations for over 30 years and is widely recognised as a volunteer engagement thought-leader and popular trainer and resource.
As President of VQ Volunteer Strategies, Beth partners with organisations and their leadership to increase impact through strategic and innovative engagement. She provides consulting and training to organisations throughout the US and Canada across many sectors, including healthcare, animal welfare, faith-based, human service, local government, education, and many others. Whether coaching, training, assessing, or facilitating strategy, Beth approaches her work as a partner – listening and customising the work to each organisation’s unique culture and strengths.
Prior to becoming a consultant, Beth worked as an executive director and marketing director for education and faith-based organisations and spent years working with museums as an educator, manager, and anthropologist. She draws upon her anthropology experience still, helping organisations through the culture-shift process—from viewing volunteer management as a program to embracing engagement as a strategy to fulfill mission.
As a thought leader, Beth regularly participates in national dialogue about volunteerism and engagement and is co-editor of the recently published book, Transforming Disruption to Impact: Rethinking Volunteer Engagement for a Rapidly Changing World. She has also contributed to many other books and posts frequently on her blog and e-Newsletter.
Beth believes that technology can be a vital tool for effective volunteer engagement, especially when integrated across all aspects of the strategy, and is especially passionate about leveraging technology to help reveal the multifaceted impacts of engaging volunteers.